Best software for test your PC hardwares...
If you want to know all information of your PC hardwares we recommend you use from AIDA64(EVREST). this software helps you better know your PC hardwares and you can check your harwares heat degree, I am sure this software is too useful for you and us...
- Show full information about all of your PC hardwares
- Compare your hardwares speed with test speed
- Show heat of CPU
- Show motherboard heat
- Check your RAM
- Show soft information of your system
- Hard disk analysing
- Support from Intel Core i7 and AMD Phenom II CPUs
- OpenGL 3.0 analysing in graphic card
- Support from windows 7 and vista
- Network monitoring
How to use Keygen:
- Before Installation Disconnect your PC internet and after this Install Setup of AIDA64 Extreme Edition...
- After finished installation open keygen.exe file from keygen folder, click to generate button and copy generated key from keygen, Register software with Keygen Generated Serial and your own Email and name, Now you can use free and unlimited from this software!!!
- Block access to internet of this Software for Better and Unlimited using with your Windows own Firewall.
Just Download